Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thinking ProPer: Thinking in a way that acknowledges God's sovereign Providence guiding the past, present, and the future. ProPer thinking is hard because to do that, we first have to recognize that we are not in control, and He is. But in addition it means three things:

  1. History isn't meaningless. (Deut 28:29, Romans 8:28) There is a reason for what happened millions of years ago, when we became uni-celled creatures. No, I'm just kidding. But there is a reason for what happened hundreds of years ago, (Prov. 16:4, Eph 2:10) because It is probably influencing our lives to this day. The more you read about history from a Christian point of view, the more you can see God's control, and His plan. My pastor has encouraged his congregation many times to read the book of Esther, because it shows so plainly God's working Providence, and I also encourage you to go read it as soon as possible.

  2. We have a role in making history. We are to do all things for the glory of God, with this responsibility we are to carry ourselves accordingly and use our future for the glory of God that includes making choices accordingly. (Phil. 1:22) It also means that we can not be lazy, because laziness prohibits us from using our time wisely. (Prov. 10:26)

  3. History teaches us that God is sovereign and He rules over all. If you tell an atheist about the prophecy's in the bible, he will have a hard time telling you how that series of events happened without someone divine guiding them. (John 3:3) History speaks forth His praise! And we need to give him praise for what He has done. (Luke 2:20, 5:26)

And the Providential History Festival is dedicated to making known the providentiality's of history. The annual PHF has had three very successful trial runs, and is now opening it's doors to the public. This year people from as far away as Indiana are coming to Nebraska to participate. This is going to be a big event, and I greatly encourage you to come, and bring your friends and family with you. Now, some of my readers in the far out places of the USA might be intimidated at this proposition, but you should consider it.

That said, I encourage you to study history so as to understand Providence more fully, to take part in history and do your part in His kingdom, and give praise to the One who has written history.

Psalm 111:4: He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful.

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