Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Music – So what?

If you're like me, then you probably like music. In fact, if you're human, (and I am assuming you are) then you like music of some kind. Maybe you like ragtime, and maybe you don't. Maybe you only listen to... 'gasp' acidic rock! The question I have is, what music is wrong, and why is it wrong?

I had that same question in mind a few days ago, so I went to my dad and asked him about it. He identified three different components in music. They are: The intent of the author, the content of the words, and the tune itself. Now the last one, the tune, isn't always bad, unless you're listening to country. And the original intention of the person who wrote the song is usually pretty hard to find out. So to check a song and see how “acceptable” it is, the easy thing to do would be to read the lyrics and ask yourself, are they God-honoring? Do they break any of the Ten Commandments? And remember, even if you can't understand all of the words, you are still feeding your soul whatever you are listening to. And not just what you are listening to, these rules apply to TV. Remember what Psalm 81:13 says: "Oh, that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways!"

Now, this post doesn't mean that I am going to stop listening to tobyMac, but I will listen with different ears from now on.
Man cannot live by music alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Psalm 101:1 "A Psalm of David.
I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music."


  1. I like your thoughts on this subject. That's how I always determine what I listen to... by reading the lyrics of the song (cause you can't always tell what the person is saying ;)

  2. I just recently thought about this as well. As far as I can tell it's a subject often contested among Christians. Some Christians believe that any music that falls under the heading of Rock 'n Roll or rap is sinful. What do you think?

  3. Sword Warrior:
    Thanks for all your comments and encouragement, they are all greatly appreciated.

    J.R. Parker:
    Some of my friends like listening to a Christian rap group called Flame, And they say it is pretty Biblical. I listened to it, and I thought that the words were pretty good, and it had a message too. So you could say that Flame is that exception to all rap being sinful. But I don't listen to rap that much, mostly Christian rock, and I think that there are lots of people out there singing songs that have a beat, but they are also singing with a purpose, to bring people to Christ, and to give glory to God. And that is never sinful! Hope this helps, and thanks for the post.

  4. I myself don't listen to music with lyrics all that much, but when I do, I make sure there's nothing bad in the songs.
    Classical is not the word for it, it's Music inspired by the 19th Century.
